Aidan Albano-Bachtell

About Me Work Contact Me Resume
Aidan playing a ukulele

About Me

Hello! I'm Aidan Albano-Bachtell, but most people just call me Aidan. I currently teach music to elementary-age children in the Palm Springs area. Outside of music making, I enjoy running long-distance, bike touring, board games, and drinking craft IPAs.

I am currently enrolled in a full stack coding bootcamp. I am proficient in HTML, CSS, Javascript, node.js, Markdown, Express, SQL, and Handlebars. I am a fast learner and am eager to help out in any way I can. Check out some of my work examples below!


App for apartment complex management

Tenant Buddy

GitHub repository Heroku Deploy
An invasive app to track your employees

Employee Tracker

GitHub repository
Basic server demonstration

Tech Blog

GitHub repository Heroku Deploy

Contact Me

(773)-991-2408 linkedIn github